
IMR Target is a fast-burning pistol powder yielding outstanding performance in 25 ACP, 38 Special and 45 ACP. It’s perfect for cowboy action target loads, where reduced recoil loads are needed.

1 in stock


This new IMR family uses new, modern technology to ensure the product is “green,” burns clean and, in most cases, results in more energy from each grain of powder. IMR powders are consistent in bulk densities from lot to lot, eliminating some of the variability inherent in other competitors.

IMR Target is a fast-burning pistol powder yielding outstanding performance in 25 ACP, 38 Special and 45 ACP. It’s perfect for cowboy action target loads, where reduced recoil loads are needed.

For shotshell usage, powder densities are similar to competitor data. Most shotshell data is similar, but IMR recommends always consulting for the correct, up-to-date data and bushing charts. For pistol usage, pistol data is materially different from competitor data with lower charge weights and higher velocities at maximum pressures. IMR recommends always consulting for the correct, up-to-date data.


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